June 2010


Do I love you just for your sunny soul? For the brightness you cast on my daily toil? Do I cherish you simply for your sought-after smile? Of which sweetness…

A Dose of “House”

Watching ‘House’ annihilates the before-bedtime drama I used to habitually conceive. It’s neither a calming capsule nor a sleeping pill. (Perhaps an ecstasy? But, not.) Though symptoms like turned-up hair…

Si Tatay

He never called me pretty, Never did he say I’m his princess, Rarely did I please him with my clothes, Hardly did he like my hair long. He let me…

No Stumble

Living on fear is advanced death. Thriving on doubts is rottening raw. Relishing fright is decaying alive. Murmuring dread is cursing life. What scares you? What makes your heart leap…