Month: July 2010

  • Bon Appetit @ Vivaldi

    “What did I miss while I was away?” “Yasser was talking about his cats.” “Really? He has cats?” “Yeah, I have six,” a deep yet cheery voice interrupted our chat. “Oh..that’s a lot.” “What breed are they?” another voice asked. The ‘cat talk’ deepened but my eyes had started straying around the hotel’s interior, from…

  • I See You

    Near or far, you catch me breathless, From a distance, you’re so blue and oh, so endless, As I sit next to you, I’m cuddled with peace, Yet your waves could often be such playful beasts. You’re fun, you’re wild, you’re free yet priceless, You rip my clothes, you simply love to get me undressed, Your moods sink…

  • The Irresistible Dip

    “Wow, Ever (Gotesco Mall)!” a four-year old girl gushed as her eyes sparkled widely (wildly). They were about to board Princess Paradise, a ship mistaken for a shopping mall by Lisa’s fifth sister. Her other sisters rolled in laughter and began a new round of banters. It’s Lisa’s third visit to her mom’s hometown- an…

  • Neither Glam nor Gold

    Early in life, Lisa has realized that if a person can’t be gorgeous, she should at least strive to be smart. She rationalizes, “what’s the point of being skinny and white-skinned if you’re tongue-tied when your teacher calls out your name on recitations?” That’s absolute humiliation. She keeps as many friends as she could. She…