May 2011

Explosive Population Growth

In 2011, 7 billion people will populate planet Earth. – National Geographic Have you ever thought about how many people…

Kindergarten Failure

I’m an undergrad. Never attained the simplest, essential certification that would have landed me to high-paying jobs later in life.…

My Earliest Memory

There could only be three possible narrators of my life: I, You, or an omnicient being watching me since I…

The Talking Windowglass

I caught myself staring blankly out the window, “What a dour,” the glass hissingly sneered, Unawed, unthinking, I shrugged off…


Handsome actor, cute actress, recycled script, predictable plot- Beastly should really be the last movie on your weekend watch list.…

Sweet Sleep

Do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for…

An Anniversary Post

Has it been a year since my handsome web designer posted this? “The website will be filled with thoughts, ponders,…

LET Passers 2011

My sister just took the LET last April 2011, luckily my vacation period. She was focused, determined, yet anxious during…