A job hopper – that’s what I used to be.
By this label, I simply mean, not sticking to the same job longer than six months – long enough to develop mastery, create positive connections with colleagues or enjoy a well-earned promotion.
If you think I’m misusing the term or I’m hardly qualified as a job hopper, just post a comment.
Now that I sit on the other side – the management – I see why job hopping can be an awful habit that’s hard to break. Also, I’m beginning to understand how job satisfaction can feel like an elusive goal.
Can we really achieve satisfaction at work? I have high hopes we could.
If you don’t believe so, at least consider what research says about the subject:
Learn to be the architect of your tasks.
Don’t laugh. This is mind trick works like a charm. The more you look at yourself as the architect of your job, the easier it is to feel in control.
You will feel a sense of autonomy. You can choose to whine about your workload or spend your time and energy on the aspects of the job that bring you joy.
Identify what part of your job you find most fulfilling and do more of that.
Collaborate with a valued colleague.
There are people who are toxic to your soul. Avoid them.
However, there are those whom you feel a deep connection with or are just in sync with you, treasure them. Spend more of your free time at work with them.
Kinship promotes well-being – it’s not rocket science. They’re like vitamins so keep them close and don’t forget your daily dose.
Link your work with something that truly matters.
Educators, no matter how underpaid they are, find meaning and rewards in their vocation.
They know that their job is making an impact. They see their students as future doctors, lawyers, teachers, or leaders of the country. Having this great sense of purpose makes their job worthwhile despite the meager pay.
Training your mind to see the significance of your work makes job satisfaction a tad more attainable.
You can read in detail the complete research findings here: More Than Job Satisfaction.
Writing this post doesn’t even feel like work. I know that whoever reads it with an open mind will eventually feel less miserable at their job.
Misery is a terrible companion – you don’t even have to open your mouth to spread it around you. If you try to keep it to yourself, however, you alone will suffer.
That’s nine hours twenty one times a month wasted on unhappiness – valuable time you can never get back.
Set yourself free. Set yourself apart from the pack. Be more than just a quick quitter.
Proactively craft the job you can be satisfied with and you’ll hit the goal – in no time. Good luck to all of us!
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