Category: Tips
City Dwellers Can Benefit from a Stroll at a Nearby Nature Park
I love walking. A 30-minute stroll a day is the simplest way to stay out of health trouble. Best, of course, if you could do it in a nature park. When I read this NY Times article about the psychological benefits of walking, I thought I couldn’t keep a news this good to myself. Ergo, this post.
SSS Salary Loan for Self-Employed or Voluntary Members: A Quick Guide
(This post is updated on August 12, 2024.) My SSS salary loan check was delivered to my address a week ago. How long did it take? Four days short of a month. Fast, right? I thought so, too. The most surprising thing about the application was that it was a breeze. Yes, it takes patience when using…
The Ugly Truths About Most Weekend Travels
Not all of my travels are great. This post is about the not-so-fantastic parts of my adventures – the misadventures. Trust me, there are many ways to ruin a trip – a weekend travel in particular.
Revenge of the Nerds: How to Strike Back the Smart Way
Do you get a feeling of pleasure when bad things happen to someone, especially someone who has done terrible things to you? If you used to be a lingo geek i.e. nerd/outcast in high school, you must know that the term for this emotion is “schadenfreude” /shahd-n-froi-duh/ from German words schaden meaning harm & freude,…
Balance: Key to a Healthy Partnership
Do you see a pattern among your successful and unsuccessful relationships? Have you figured what went wrong and how some went right? We live in a world of opposing forces.
Why I Don’t Trust Even the Mildest Supermarket Beauty Soap
I thought I found a gem after I read that among all the soaps available in the market, Dove Baby was the mildest.
How to Persuasively Describe a Friend
What’s your personality? How do your closest friends describe you? I’m quite satisfied with a few adjectives when referring to myself, but when my friends are asking me to describe them, I’m not confident I can come up with characters more than Twitter’s allowance.
Five Fabulous Samples from Kindle App for Android
Amazon’s Kindle has an app you can install on your Android smartphone.
Turkey E-Visa Application System
Through Dubai Turkey Consulate website, I came to know about the availability of E-visa application in the UAE. It seems too good to be true that I can have a Turkish visa if I only provide the website a 6-month-valid passport, a confirmed flight reservation and a Master or Visa credit card payment.
What’s Your New Year’s Revolution?
Yes, you’re reading it right: revolution, not resolution. Often, we resolve to do something to be better than we were – and we unfortunately fail. Perhaps we need to do better than resolving, we can try revolting against thoughts, practices and habits that don’t serve us anymore. Here are a few of my pleas: