Cycling Story

Well-built, genial, and hardworking, Mandie immediately got Lisa’s attention. He came in one morning at the bakery to ease her uncle’s heavy load. Lisa grew fonder of Mandie when he…

Pirc Perks

I loved Pirc: 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3, 3…g6. A king-side meek opening for black, it’s often summoned by close-gamers. The main aim is to secure the King’s position through…


With the pristine sights of green fields, refreshing whizz of winds, chantings of rushing waters, and everything around shaded by sunset, Lisa never felt a slight weariness walking home. “Heavenly”,…

Flee from Drab

When you’re gone, you’re away, you’re far, When you’re never close to wipe bitter tears at night, When emptiness & loneliness eats me bit by bit, When not a day…

The Spelling Bee

As big, wide eyes focused on Lisa, she marveled at those tiny creatures glued to branches of trees in the wooded spot where their jeepney passed by. She hoped to…

Zest for School

At the crack of each dawn, Lisa hurriedly gets out of bed and goes to her aunt’s bakery shop tagging along two of her younger siblings to help out. Filing…

Get Lucky

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other. We all have our fair share of luck…

The Mossy Ground

“What happened to your face?” her Aunt Carol asked. “It’s nothing. I just bumped into something,” Lisa nonchalantly answered. Her bluish-black left cheek was due to Ritch’s punch when she…

Coffee, Everyone?

We all probably need coffee or we’re all in peril dozing off in the face of inanity. I was surprised I had to look up the meaning of ‘inane’ just…