Si Tatay

He never called me pretty, Never did he say I’m his princess, Rarely did I please him with my clothes, Hardly did he like my hair long. He let me…

If Life is War…

Bored of my first few days at work, I downloaded an e-book “The Art of War“. T’was surely more than an ennui-buster. Though physically, t’was a painful read (the texts…

No Stumble

Living on fear is advanced death. Thriving on doubts is rottening raw. Relishing fright is decaying alive. Murmuring dread is cursing life. What scares you? What makes your heart leap…

Mary and Max.

Here’s a film that lingers. Gripped by Max and Mary’s musical score, claymation, voicing (esp. Mary’s) and fresh dialog, (and monologue), I stayed wide awake ’til early morn. Of course…

IBN Battuta Mall

Three shopping malls were our targets: Battuta Mall, Emirates Mall, and Dubai Mall. I’ve been to Emirates and Dubai Mall, so only Batutta Mall intrigued me. The name alone would…

Yawnful Morn

Hey, gear up! Oh, what a sluggard,what a pain! Get up, rise up, the sun’s hot and burning, Come on, gaze up, breathe in,and breathe out, Let some fresh air…

On Sub-Moms

Surrogate mothers, or baby makers, are of interest to me. Uncomfortable questions keep bothering me about them. I first heard of this concept through a simple Sunday school story where…