“Picked flowers let a lady’s love bloom; wild flowers let them escape gloom.” – Issa’s Nonsense Sayings
Yellow and pink aren’t my top color choices for clothes, but for flowers, I’d kneel on soiled grass to get the best shot of them. Watching bees hurriedly gather pollen grains was a true marvel. They were so efficient! They hopped briskly from one flower to another as if they were ruled by a wicked timekeeper. Coiling around the pistil, they would drain the last trace of pollen in every flower. It was pure pleasure to watch them work oblivious to my prying.
I was the unnoticed supervisor- the unauthorized bee paparazzi. Now the Buzz is out. I Am Issa just made them the blog’s superstars. If you intend to hire them as actors in your blockbuster movie project, visit Zabeel Park before 8AM. The sun is out; the sky is blue. It’s still not tremendously hot; the bees will be just right there on the block.
Beauty lies everywhere if we only bother to stop and look. Look upward. Look downward. Look sideways: left and right. If not, look back or forward. Close your eyes if you couldn’t find loveliness around. Now, open your eyes. Look upward. Look downward. Look sideways: left and right. If not, look back or forward. Found it? If not, read this paragraph again. Or simply look at this photo or the one before. Don’t you find bees and flowers wonderful?
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