The Casts at Big Sister’s House ( where cousins meet and mess around)

Ate Bulate – the secretive singer. Wanna hear some of Mariah’s classic R & B? Or locally, Regine V.’s latest throat-busting songs? Ate Bulate (at far left) could perform both.
Pitorit – the charmer. She’s a people-person- the darling of the aunts and uncle, the walking book of praises and amusing anecdotes. Anang or Pitorit has a ready hilarious story to tell anyone, anytime.
Sarbot – the silent tiger. You don’t want marks of claws on neither cheeks, do you? Better not meddle with Sarbot’s business, or bear walking with a bleeding face.
Ika – the destroyer. She was just looking out the jalousie window when one of its glass fell- out of the blue. A newly-worn watch wouldn’t last an hour. These must be just signs of high intelligence: merely feeding an endless curiosity on how things break.
Usang – the lady-like. She’s the first among her cousins to enter and explore the ladies’ academy. Not a day, you’ll see her hair unkempt, her eyebrows untrimmed, her clothes unpressed. The first of the flowers to bloom.
Bonbon – the stubborn baby. That’s when she was a baby. Now she’s eighteen, imagine the change. Need not elaborate.
Pitpit – the reporter. She was born with a nose for news. She knows what’s worth remembering and she tells it glibly that no one can deny its truth. Ill fate overtake those whom she caught messing around… instant fame to those she saw doing good.
Baka – the cry-baby. She makes a sound enough to wake four houses in a row. This baby has got her throat from a cow. Good thing she outgrew the cacophonous vocal or found a better way of sounding off (right, Kitchie? Yheng?).
Mhaal – the cool lass. One of the boys, she had her first boyfriend only at fourth year college. She never feels sorry for letting guys go, as she gets to enjoy their company – without the burden of maintenance or subordination. Cool, indeed?
Tingting – the cat. She doesn’t say “meow” but she looks like it. This nursing student has a taste bud that pleases not just herself but everyone else she cooks for. Now that she bloomed, I bet Tingting as a pet name doesn’t suit her anymore.
Entoy – the clown. There’s no party, no event, no outdoor nor indoor fun without Entoy to hang around. His school grades are bad reflection of the real thrill he brings the house. Our beloved clown when we were kids – and remains so.
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