My 26th Birthday

Dearest Blog walkers,

Greet me as soon as you land on this page. Yes, I just turned 26! Sad I’m leaving 25th? Not really. If we scientifically approach birthdays, each is just a revolution of earth around the sun. What’s the big deal?!

Coming from a poor home (if “poor” means having no faucet in the kitchen sink), I grew up wanting, hoping for, and endlessly wondering about a “better life”. I knew I was not alone. My siblings (and parents) share this desire for a beautiful life. We all aim to crush poverty. We all strive to be free of debts. We all want to have time and means for fun, recreation, and exploration while we’re here on earth.

So how’s that related to my 26th birthday? Well, it’s a day to recollect the achievements and failures of the past. An honest assessment. It’s wonderful to know I’m not alone in cherishing the day I try to rediscover my gifts and redirect my energies toward success. I noticed that I never had an UN-busy birthday.Work makes time pass quickly. I want each day to be filled to the brim with hard work because in nature, there is no rest (Quantum Physics).

To my busiest home buddy and super cousin, Ate Sha, I’m grateful for the sandwich-cake and HDD (320 gb!)! Thanks Auntie Alms for the guitar, and Aunt Mira for the bag. Thanks for gracing the eve with your presence, ‘te Burnz. To the unnamed staff of Sino Chai Teahouse Resto at DHCC, thank you for the birthday song and the pineapple cake treat. Lastly, thank you Neil for I love you. I love you more for the post-bday call.

For everyone else who made my 26th birthday special, thank you. Thank you all for making me feel like a star once a year.



6 responses to “My 26th Birthday”

  1. Joeyboy Avatar

    Happy 26th birthday Issa, more birthdays and blessings to come! Have a good one! Cheers! 🙂

  2. issa Avatar

    Thank you, Joeyboy. Wow, my first greeting from the blogosphere! 🙂

  3. antonius Avatar

    Happy birthday Issa, May all your dream come true and wish u all the best always…=)

  4. Balqis Avatar

    Happy 26th birthday, Issa! It’s another great day of your life. May all your wishes and dreams come true.

    Thanks for sharing what you had gone through. Not so many people would dare to tell the bitter part of their life . It needs a lot of courage to do so. I admire you for your sincerity in sharing it with all of us blogwalkers.

    You’re positive-minded and that brings you to successes. All the best to you and once again, wishing you many more happy returns of the day!

  5. issa Avatar

    Thanks, Antonius!

  6. issa Avatar

    Hi, Balqis. When is your birthday? I’ll make sure to wish you happy returns of the year! 🙂

    Thanks for the greeting!

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