Dream jobs, we all have them, haven’t we? If jobs were simply ticked from a menu list, I’d pick these five in a heartbeat.
5. Coffee Taster
Neil wants to have a coffee farm. I want to taste the beans his farm will produce. It’s a new-found curiosity I’m not sure I can shake off anytime soon.
4. Tour Guide
More than anything, anyone would want a job that is not sedentary. I believe guiding educational tours exercises both mind and body. I also find security in history, you can’t go so wrong in telling about it. Many research works have been published about things that already happened, one just has to judge wisely which sources can be trusted, and which are to be ignored.
3. Documentary Host
I love the idea of being a celebrity for a cause; rising to fame through a worthy advocacy. One only needs to equally possess wisdom and eloquence and she’s good to go! “Sapientia et eloquentia” is the ever-effective motto to succeed in documentary hosting. What great treat it’d be to get a free travel ticket, learn loads of things about the planet, and earn more than normal wage.
2. Minstrel
First I’d get a new name: Myrthle. I’m the wandering type of minstrel, not like those retained in palaces to keep the royalty happy. My guitar and me, singing true stories, histories, or crafted tales. Can you picture gypsies? Not the looting ones! Just people with untold past and unperturbed by the future. Town after town, city after city, I’ll move around the Schengen zone, blindly hoping EU would let me cross borders without distress, yet always preparing for the worst-case scenario i.e. getting a warrant of arrest.
1. Mom
Tell me about your ideal jobs – I mean your fantastic dreams!
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