Condo dweller to Airbnb Superhost
More Than a Condo: My Airbnb Journey to Superhost Status

Four years ago, I wrote about the joys of condo living.

Today, I celebrate a different milestone: my first year as an Airbnb Superhost!

While condo ownership often leads to rentals, this move was a big deal for me. After 15 years of renting, I finally had a place to call my own—a place to decorate and personalize without restrictions. Finally, we could hang pictures without permission, let our child explore his creativity on the walls, and choose furniture that suited our style.

From Cozy Condo to Growing Family

Our condo was perfect for us as a couple, but with the arrival of our baby, the 24sqm space became a bit cramped. We needed a bigger home. That left us with a question: What should we do with the condo?

With a monthly mortgage and condo dues to consider, renting it out seemed like a smart option. We explored two possibilities: long-term rentals or short-term rentals through Airbnb. We ultimately chose Airbnb.

Airbnb: A Perfect Fit

Would these fluffy pillows be perfect for a lazy morning read? Book it now at

The idea of welcoming responsible travelers, earning extra income, and sharing our love for Cebu was very appealing.

Of course, there were doubts. Would managing guests be too much work? Would we attract the right kind of people? After some research and encouragement from my partner, Neil, I decided to try it. (If you’re considering this, too, I’ll include a referral link later to help you get started!)

Issa Suites Airbnb Listing description

Optimizing Our Listing for Success

The first step was creating an attractive listing. I used my phone to take clear, high-quality photos that showcased the condo’s best features. Then, I wrote a detailed description, highlighting amenities and the surrounding area. Here’s a tip: block out a dedicated day to learn everything about Airbnb hosting, from listing creation to optimization. New listings often get a boost in search results for a few weeks, so make the most of that initial visibility.

Managing quick replies on Airbnb at Issa Suites
Overwhelmed by guest questions? Learn how to use Quick Replies to answer them in seconds.

Standing Out from the Crowd

Being a good host is all about clear communication. I created response templates for inquiries, set clear response time expectations, and aimed to answer all questions promptly and professionally. I have a dedicated website called Issa Suites focused on short-term rental hosting for those interested in learning more about guest communication.

Building Trust with Transparency

Transparency is crucial. My listing accurately reflected the condo’s size (including bed measurements to set realistic expectations) and any limitations. I also encouraged guests to ask questions before booking, ensuring they knew exactly what to expect. There was even a case where I informed a guest about potential noise from the nearby pool during the day.

The Superhost Mindset: Challenges and Growth

It wasn’t always smooth sailing. We encountered occasional bumps like late cancellations, minor repairs, and even an unexpected request for a cooktop and rangehood (a tough decision!). But I learned to tackle these situations head-on, prioritizing clear communication and guest satisfaction. I even wrote a blog post that many aspiring Superhosts found helpful on their journeys.

A Year of Success and Beyond

Fast forward a year, and I’m thrilled to be an Airbnb Superhost! It’s been an incredible journey filled with amazing guests from all over the world. I’ve learned so much about hosting, Cebu, and myself. Our recent accolades include a “Guest Favorite” badge and a “Top 5% Listing” trophy, setting us apart from other properties.

Thinking of Joining the Airbnb Adventure? Here are my Tips!

If you’re a condo owner looking to earn extra cash and connect with new people, Airbnb could be a great fit for you too! Here are some key takeaways from my experience:

  • Do your research: Understand Airbnb regulations in your area, the commitment involved, and the platform itself. I’ll be sharing more about navigating legal requirements in a future post.
  • Optimize your listing: High-quality photos, a detailed description, and clear pricing are essential. If bookings are slow, consider experimenting with Airbnb’s custom promotions or learning social media advertising basics.
  • Communication is key: Respond promptly, answer questions thoroughly, and provide clear instructions. I’m putting together an ebook with proven templates to help you get great reviews.
  • Set expectations upfront: Be transparent about your space, amenities, and any limitations. Accuracy and cleanliness are paramount here.
  • Embrace the Superhost mindset: Hospitality is key. Be professional and accommodating, and prioritize guest satisfaction.

Transitioning from condo dweller to Airbnb Superhost wasn’t without its challenges, from listing optimization to managing guest expectations and handling unexpected situations. But these were all valuable learning experiences.

Ready to start your exciting hosting adventure? Let’s do this!

By Issa