

You’ll read some vindictive, spicy  and sensible lines from Vendetta, which you may use later in your own dramatic life.

Beauty? Mere food for worms—I care not for it! Of what avail is a fair body tenanted by a fiendish soul? Forgiveness?—you ask too late! A wrong like mine can never be forgiven.” Fabio (or Cesare)

“Oh! I love work. It is good for the temper. People are so cross when their hands are idle. And many are ill for the same reason. Yes, truly!” and she nodded her head with grave importance, “it is often so. – Lilla

“The fault of all modern labor lies in the fact that there is no heart in anything we do—we seldom love our work for work’s sake—we perform it solely for what we can get by it. Therein lies the secret of failure. Friends will scarcely serve each other unless they can also serve their own interests—true, there are exceptions to this rule, but they are deemed fools for their pains.”

“Why do you write so much of marriage to me, Guido mio? It seems to my mind that all the joy of loving will be taken from us when once the hard world knows of our passion. If you become my husband you will assuredly cease to be my lover, and that would break my heart. I desire you to be my lover always, as you were when Fabio lived—why bring commonplace matrimony into the heaven of such a passion as ours?” – Nina 

 “An Englishman is incapable of nourishing a long and deadly resentment, even against an unfaithful wife—he is too indifferent, he thinks it not worth his while. But we Neapolitans, we can carry a “vendetta” through a life-time—ay, through generation after generation! Besides, did Christ himself forgive Judas? The gospel does not say so!” – Fabio 

Surprisingly, the word vendetta appeared only once – in Chapter XXI.

V for Vendetta? Not quite what you think. I was even clueless when my co-worker mentioned this movie. What I read was Vendetta! written by Marie Corelli – a grim tale of a husband’s vengeance against his wife and best friend who played him for a fool.

Don’t worry if Vendetta was published in 1886. Flesh-Kincaid gave it a relatively good mark of 72.2 reading ease, where 90-100 is very easy, 80 – 89 is easy, 70 – 79  is fairly easy.  How do you know which book will grip your attention and hold it till the end of the last chapter? For me,  it’s the identification I have with the author.

Marie is obstinate -yes, inexorable. Her tone, choice of words, honor and pride echoed each time I turned a page. She didn’t doubt her reader’s sympathy to the main character’s sentiments. Corelli made sure her readers would desire to see the full details of Fabio’s revenge.

It’s like watching soaps in a flash. Shallow and addictive melodramas usually take a year or two to culminate, but reading Corelli will only take you a week, if you’re in a busy work environment, or just a few days, if you’re on vacation. 

Try trading a free book from Corelli with any of ABS-CBN’s or GMA 7’s dramarathon.

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