Tag: life

  • Get Lucky

    Get Lucky

    When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other. We all have our fair share of luck – good or bad. Question is: are you ready to get lucky? I’m no feng shui master nor star-reader, I’m just opinionated, ergo, here’s my…

  • I See You

    Near or far, you catch me breathless, From a distance, you’re so blue and oh, so endless, As I sit next to you, I’m cuddled with peace, Yet your waves could often be such playful beasts. You’re fun, you’re wild, you’re free yet priceless, You rip my clothes, you simply love to get me undressed, Your moods sink…

  • If Life is War…

    Bored of my first few days at work, I downloaded an e-book “The Art of War“. T’was surely more than an ennui-buster. Though physically, t’was a painful read (the texts could be hardly seen as they were intentionally blurred), urging readers to buy the original copy, perhaps. I was glued to the lessons on the FIVE BESETTING…

  • No Stumble

    Living on fear is advanced death. Thriving on doubts is rottening raw. Relishing fright is decaying alive. Murmuring dread is cursing life. What scares you? What makes your heart leap as kangaroos? What dims your wit and denies light? Facing the music? Dancing out of tune? Laughing alone? A mocking crowd? Long old age? Young death? Hurting words?Depressing news? Spoiling success? Haunting…